
Joint Center

Incheon Baek Hospital Joint Center strives to find fundamental and practical treatment and preventive measures for joint disorders.
In particular, the knee and ankle joints bear the weight of our body and as we age, the variety and prevalence of related conditions increase.

Treatment Methods

Incheon Baek Hospital Joint Center provides specialized treatment for various joint conditions, categorized into different areas such as knees, hip joints, shoulders, and ankles.
We strive to offer personalized and precise diagnosis and treatment for each patient based on their individual condition.

Surgical Spinal Treatment Artificial joint surgery is performed by skilled specialists at Incheon Baek Hospital, with minimal skin incisions, shortened surgical time, and shorter hospital stays, allowing for early recovery.

Infection Prevention with Clean Operating Rooms Incheon Baek Hospital utilizes state-of-the-art equipment and a hepa filter in clean operating rooms to minimize the risk of infection during surgery. The hospital's clean operating rooms are equipped with high-performance hepa filters capable of removing even ultrafine particles in the air, and temperature and humidity control facilities, providing a comfortable environment for surgeries and reducing the risk of infection, ensuring a fast recovery for patients.

Non-surgical Rehabilitation and Exercise Therapy Incheon Baek Hospital Joint Center also emphasizes non-surgical treatments such as exercise therapy, physical therapy, and intra-articular injections to achieve rapid recovery and minimal pain for patients.